
Knees Osteoarthritis : Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Knee Osteoarthritis is a common problem that many people face, especially as they get older. It can make moving around a bit difficult. Knee osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. In this article, we'll explore the main causes, symptoms, and treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Let’s begin!

Causes of Knees Osteoarthritis

Here is the list of some of the main causes of Osteoarthritis:


As we get older, the cartilage, which is the protective cushion in our joints, naturally wears down. This gradual wear and tear can cause osteoarthritis over time.


If you work in an environment where you have to bend, kneel a lot, or engage in high-impact activities, it can put extra stress on your knees and cause osteoarthritis. Apart from this, carrying too much weight can also be a reason for developing osteoarthritis.


Excess body weight can increase the chances of developing knee osteoarthritis. When you are overweight, the extra kg puts additional stress on your joints, especially the knees and hips. This added pressure can accelerate the wear and tear of the protective cartilage within the joints.

Family History

Sometimes, osteoarthritis can run in families. If your parents or grandparents have had osteoarthritis, you may be at a higher risk of developing the condition. Specific genes related to cartilage structure, joint function, and inflammation can be inherited, making some individuals more susceptible.


Past knee injuries, like a bad fall or sports accidents, can also increase your risk of getting osteoarthritis. An injury, such as a fracture, dislocation, or ligament tear, can directly damage the cartilage that cushions the joint. It can increase the risk of osteoarthritis, especially if the injury isn't properly treated or healed.


Women are more prone to osteoarthritis, particularly after menopause, due to hormonal changes

Other Medical Conditions

Some other underlying health issues, such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout, can increase the risk of osteoarthritis.

Symptoms: How Do You Know If Your Knees Have Osteoarthritis?


One of the first signs is knee pain. This pain can vary in intensity and may be more pronounced after periods of inactivity or excessive use. It's usually worse when you're walking or standing for some time, and it may feel better when you rest.


Many people with knee osteoarthritis experience stiffness in the knee joint, especially in the morning or after sitting for a while. This stiffness can make it challenging to bend or straighten your knee fully.


Osteoarthritis can make your knee look swollen, and it might feel warm to the touch.


Some patients also notice hearing or feeling a creaking or grating sensation in the joint when they move their knee.

Decreased Range of Motion

Knee osteoarthritis can restrict the movement of your knee joint, making it difficult to bend or fully straighten your knee.


The affected knee may feel less stable, and you may notice a sense of wobbliness or weakness.

Symptoms: How Do You Know If Your Knees Have Osteoarthritis?

Weight Managemen

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial as excess weight places extra stress on the knee joint. Weight loss, if necessary, can significantly reduce symptoms.


Regular, low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or walking can strengthen the muscles around the knee, improve joint stability, and reduce pain. Physical therapy may be recommended.

Joint Protection

Avoid activities that put excessive strain on the knees, use assistive devices like knee braces, and maintain proper posture when sitting and standing.

Assistive Devices

The use of knee braces, crutches, or walking aids can provide support and reduce the load on the knee joint.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Applying heat or cold packs to the knee can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.


This minimally invasive procedure involves the removal of damaged tissue or bone spurs within the knee joint.

Partial or Total Knee Replacement

In severe cases where conservative treatments don't provide relief, knee replacement surgery can be considered. In partial knee replacement, only the damaged parts of the knee are replaced, while in total knee replacement, the entire joint is replaced with artificial components. The best approach to treating knee osteoarthritis often involves a combination of these.
strategies. Treatment plans should be personalized and guided by a healthcare professional, considering the patient's specific needs and the progression of the condition. It's important to maintain open communication with your healthcare team to adjust the treatment plan as necessary to effectively manage knee osteoarthritis.